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wheel refurbishment companies

Discussie in 'Velgen, banden & ophanging' gestart door miker1, 2 okt 2008.

  1. Hi,

    Are there any places here that can refurbish (clean up and repair) alloy wheels along with also powder coating them?

  2. Search on Google, use phrase "velgenreparatie" and maybe a location, and you will be surprised how many companies there are.
    The most wellknown are the wheeltrim (expensive) and the velgendokter (cheaper than the wheeltrim)
  3. Hey Mike, if you only want the alloys being repaired from sidewalk scraping etc. and powdercoated you could also look at following website: www.velgenalsnieuw.nl.

    It`s a little drive (but hey you drive an RS, so that can`t be to bad) for you from Haarlem, but I know by my own experience that they deliver nice work for a reasonable price.

    Grtz. Marco
  4. Hi Marco

    Thanks for the reply, the link you sent does not work.. can you please try and resend it?

  5. perfect. thanks
  6. do NOT go to www.velgenrenovatie.com

    They f*cked up the color on my rims and they said that is was my problem. The wheels were in perfect condition but the color was a plain grey. So not the original metallic paint.

    So it cost me more money to get them in the right color.
  7. ok, thanks
  8. www.wheelcare.nl is een naam die ik door veel mensen aanbevolen kreeg.
    Ga zelf m'n velgen er volgende week heen brengen. Prijzen zijn scherp.

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